Ink Cartridge Compatibility and Replacement


Compatible Ink Cartridges

The LivePen smartpen uses a standard D1 style ink cartridge. Ink cartridges that meet the same size specifications (67 mm length x 2.35 mm diameter) and contain carbon-free ink may also be used, though Livescribe does not guarantee the performance of other 3rd party replacement ink cartridges.

Tested compatible cartridges:

  • Cross Mini Ball-Point Pen Refill - Black Medium (Part #8518–4)
  • Monteverde USA Mini D-1 Ballpoint Refill – Black Medium (Item# D132BK)


Replacing Ink Cartridges

You can remove the ink cartridge from the pen by simply pulling out the ink cartridge from the pen. Pull out the ink cartridge with your fingers. For better grip, you may use mini pliers or nail clippers. Make sure you only clip on to the ink and not the pen itself as this will damage the pen. Gently insert the new cartridge into the smartpen until it clicks into place.

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